Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I've Got Spirit, Yes I Do!

We kicked off the holiday season this year by going to Hannah's Christmas dance recital. Since moving to Bowling Green, this has been one of the highlights of our Christmas season here. This year her tap dance was to Michael Buble's version of Let It Snow and her jazz number was to a version of Sleigh Ride. She did a fabulous job, as always. (I would probably say that even if she got on the stage and didn't have a lick of rhythm! I'm allowed, I'm her proud mama!) I always enjoy this performance. The theatre where the recital is held is located in our town square and everything is decorated for the season. I don't know if it was the music, dancing or hearing Let It Snow and then walking outside to find snowflakes falling down around the twinkling lights of our fountain square, but that evening I was officially in the Christmas spirit!

I've got spirit, yes I do! I've got spirit, how bout you?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah

I am a day late in doing this post. Yesterday my sweet Hannah turned 12 years old. It is astounding at how fast the years are flying by!

Hannah I am so glad that the Lord brought you into my life 12 years ago. You have brought such joy to our family. Daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents. We are so proud of the young lady that you are becoming. Happy Birthday sweet girl, we love you more than you will ever know!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful For Crow's Feet?

This time of year many of us examine our lives and think about the things that we are most thankful for. Sometimes what makes us most thankful are not things at all. One might not be too thrilled about getting those first fine lines and wrinkles, in fact many people spend lots of $$$ to get rid of the signs of aging. I'm thankful for my crow's feet. They are there because there has been a lot of laughter in my life. (I'll blame them on laughter and some squinty days at the beach, for which I am also grateful)!

I hope you all will find something to laugh about this week.

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -E.E. Cummings

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Shuf-fle Step

Hannah has come a long way in her dancing from the shuf-fle step that she learned at age 3. I always look forward to the one week each semester that parents are allowed to observe during class. I took tap for years and it always takes me back to listen to the teacher call out those familiar terms and to hear those familiar rhythms. This fall the class has been working on a number for their Christmas recital. I can't wait to see the polished up version in the performance!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I Know Where I Rank

My mom called me a couple of days ago and asked if I had seen her copy of the picture of me and my dog, Dino, from my wedding. (I know weird to have a photo with your dog on your wedding day. What can I say? I am an only child!) Anyhoo, the picture has been in a frame in my parents living room for the past seventeen years. My mother just can't imagine where she has misplaced it. She said "I just hate to lose that picture!" The situation was bothering her so that I just had to ask, "Are you more upset because it is a picture of your daughter on her wedding day, or because it is a picture of the dog that we had for sixteen years?" She replied, "Well, both, but it is a really good picture of Dino."

Friday, November 5, 2010


Don't you just love Fridays? Sometimes I look forward to the end of the week because I have exciting plans for the weekend and sometimes I am thrilled because my weekend calendar is blank. Oh the possibilities of two days with no commitments! We spend many Saturdays in the fall travelling to Lexington because we love football time in the bluegrass, but the Wildcats are going to have to pull out this home game without us! I am so thankful to get to spend a weekend at home (and don't worry we haven't forsaken our team all together, we will be wearing blue and white)!
There's no place like home! -Dorothy

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jump In

Hannah's 6th grade year thus far has been the year to jump in and try new things. Like jumping off that rope swing in the above picture, some things have been a little scary and are a bit of a challenge. She has always excelled in school and many things have come easy for her, until (cue scary music, eek, eek, eek, eek) pre-algebra. Hannah was 1 of 11 students that qualified to participate in an on-line course. We discussed it and decided that it would be good for her to take because she would be a class ahead in math in high school. It has been very challenging and there have been some rough nights getting through homework (thank goodness my husband can rock an algebraic equation, because, friends, I am no mathematician). I am so proud of my girl for jumping in and trying something that she knew was not going to be a breeze. She is learning that things don't always come easy and that hard work pays off. We were thrilled to see an A on her report card the first quarter!

Hannah also applied to be on her school's technology team. She was accepted and is thrilled to be a member of her school news team. I pray that Hannah will always have the courage and confidence to jump in! Disappointment is a part of life, but you never no what you might be able to accomplish if you just try!

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. -Dale Carnegie

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fashion Statement

There are many things that mothers should teach their daughters, like how to braid, how to use a curling iron and how to apply make-up that looks natural and not "made up". Then there are fashion rules that should be passed down to the next generation such as, never wear white after Labor Day, when you do wear white pants or shorts (before Labor Day, of course) make sure that you are wearing the appropriate undergarments (you know, NO FLOWERS), and absolutely never mix stripes and plaid! I guess I haven't stressed that last one enough with Hannah!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Where's Harry?

Harry Potter's sidekick, Hermione Granger, was spotted in the trees beside my house last night. I wasn't aware that the Hogwart's Express made stops in the Bluegrass! Hermione was dressed in the latest Griffendor fashion, with her black robe trimmed in maroon and maroon and gold striped tie. She was armed and ready with her ivy trimmed wand in hand. I just wonder, where was Harry Potter?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mums The Word

Yes friends, mum has been the word since JULY! I apologize to all my loyal followers, all 2 or 3 of you! I won't even bore you with all the reasons I have for not blogging. I wish I could tell you it was because I have been on some extravagant trip like backpacking Europe, on safari in Africa or cruising the Mediterranean. I haven't been to any of those places, but my travels over the last few months have taken me to Dollywood (don't get too excited people, that's with a D not an H), actually, it was a very fun place to visit. I also got to visit that famous mouse that lives in Florida recently and I had a brief stay at Hogwarts. After all that travel I think Dorothy was right. There's no place like home!
I had a wonderful summer but I am so glad fall is finally here. I love this time of year. The color in the trees has been so gorgeous the last few days. Last weekend we visited a couple that grow and sell mums on their farm. They had so many different colors and varieties. I am really enjoying the daisy variety that I chose for the pots by my front door. They add just the right pop of color. Everyone needs a little pop of color in their life!
Happy Fall Y'all!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Roughin It Part 2

Tomorrow I will be leaving for a week of church camp. The above pictures are scenes from last year's camp. What a wonderful week of fun and spiritual renewal. Last year I was a first time camper. Yes, I was deprived as a child and never went to summer camp! This year I will be a counselor in a cabin full of first timers. There will be nine girls that will be entering 5th grade. Please pray that it will be a fun week for all of us and that I can be the example that I need to be and a mom to these girls when they are missing theirs. I pray that God will be glorified this week and that we are drawn closer to Him and to each other.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Roughin It

Every summer we say we want to go camping and then somehow time gets away from us. There are always camps, vacations, ballgames, work and too many other things that consume our short summer months. This year we FINALLY did it. We hadn't been camping in so long that Hannah doesn't even remember the last time. SO SAD! It was a short stay but I hope this trip will be a long term deposit in her memory bank. We went to a state park that is less than an hour from where we live. We dined on hobo dinners from the grill and of course we had smores for dessert. It's not camping if you don't have smores! We had so much fun just getting away for a little while that we hope to make it a more frequent occurrence. I do love all the modern conveniences of home (and a nice hotel), but it is also nice to fall asleep to the crickets' lullaby and awaken to singing birds!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goodbye 5th Grade

We have been out of school for several weeks and I am just getting around to blogging about the end of the year. (I realize my blog follows a random time line. That's just how my mind works.) This school year started out a little rough (okay now that I think back, a lot rough), but we made it! Hannah had to go to a new school, due to redistricting, after only being at her previous school for one year. She was devastated! She made some wonderful new friends and none of them were going to the new school with her. I tried to encourage her with the positives. 1. She would make new friends and still have her old friends. 2. They will all be back together for middle school. 3. In middle school she will have an abundance of friends from attending two elementary schools. Those things were hard for her to see those first few weeks of school. She cried a lot and said that she is just tired of always being the new kid. (This school makes her 4th elementary school). Through lots of tears (hers and mine) and prayer things improved after a few weeks. She may not realize it yet but this experience has made her a stronger individual and has been preparation for other things in the future.

Hannah really had a good 5th grade year. She excelled in academics and she made some new friends (I knew her mother was right)! The pictures above were taken at the end of the year party. I love to see that smile on her face!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Heads Up!

Have y'all ever eaten at Lambert's, the home of the throwed roll? If you haven't it needs to go on your list of things to do. We ate at the one in Foley, Alabama near Gulf Shores last summer. (Since I wasn't blogging then, I have some catching up to do!)This is one of those dining establishments that if you leave hungry it's your own fault. The portions are ENORMOUS! There is a catch(literally) to eating at Lambert's. To take part in one of those fluffy, delicious risen dough balls of goodness you have to get the attention of one of the roll throwers and catch your roll. It's a good thing that I played a good bit of softball in my day, cause I like me some bread!
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Flipper and Friends

Last summer we vacationed in Gulf Shores, Alabama and had a wonderful trip. One of the highlights of our trip was going on a dolphin cruise and getting to watch these magnificent creatures in action. I'm wondering how Flipper and his friends are fairing this summer. My heart goes out to the folks in the gulf that are suffering through this tragic oil spill. I pray that our finned and feathered friends will be out of danger very soon.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Hope You Dance

Each year that Hannah dances in her end of the year performance I enjoy it even more than the recital before. It has been such a joy to watch her skills improve as she has become a graceful, confident young lady. I danced growing up as well and I am thrilled that Hannah has the passion too. When you have a love of something it is difficult to understand when your child doesn't share your interest. I was a little sad (actually my heart was broken) when Hannah didn't want to take ballet this year. I think she is a beautiful ballerina, but she didn't love that form of dance, so I had to let her give it up. I'm so thankful that she was honest with me and didn't continue because she thought that is what I wanted her to do. You can tell by the look on her face that she truly does enjoy jazz and tap. (No ballet number also meant that I didn't have to get all of that long hair into a ballet bun! Woo Hoo!) Hannah you are a fabulous dancer, but remember, mama's still got the moves. I did beat you at Just Dance on the wii last night! Love you sweetheart!

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens.

Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,


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Monday, May 31, 2010

Dancing Queen

Hannah has worked so hard at dance this year. (As you can see by the big yawn in the corner picture. She wasn't bored, she was exhausted!) She really has blossomed into a beautiful dancer. I'm so proud of her. Dance has been a part of her life since she was 3 years old. She's come a long way since performing to Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers In My Soup at her very first recital. I'm pretty sure that I still remember all the dance steps as well as the words to that song! The dances have become too advanced for me to remember, but the songs were memorable this year. The Beatles provided music for jazz with Here Comes The Sun and her tap number was to It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing. (Recital pics to come)

It takes an athlete to dance,
but an artist to be a dancer.
-Shanna LaFleur
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Happy Memorial Day

And I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me.

-Lee Greenwood

(Yes, the photos are a little old, but they are some of my faves!)

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Holy Guacamole!

On May 5th I planned a fabulous Mexican feast to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. On the menu were beef enchiladas with red sauce, corn on the cob and homemade guacamole with chips. My mouth had been watering all day for that guacamole. I can't tell you my disappointment when I cut into my avocado and it was no good! So we celebrated Ocho de Mayo instead of Cinco de Mayo with some delicious guacamole. If Chad Johnson of the Cincinnati Bengals can officially change his name to Ocho Cinco then we can change our Mexican Fiesta to May 8th! (Personally I think Ocho Cinco is mucho loco, but who am I to judge?)

There is a bit of a story that goes along with the guac. recipe. To my knowledge I had never even had this tasty avocado treat until about 10 years go when I went to New Mexico with my cousin. We traveled there for her cousin's wedding. The bride's mother and step father hosted a pre-wedding party in their home the night we arrived. Their home was a gorgeous adobe set in the hills of Santa Fe. As I enjoyed my guac. and chips in a colorful southwest style kitchen, the chef that provided all the food for the occasion asked if I liked the guac. I gave my compliments to the chef and he replied "Julia Child told me it's the best she's ever had." Coming from most people this would totally be a joke. People, HE WASN'T JOKING! The man had cooked for Julia Child! Needless to say I was more than a little impressed. I wish I'd asked for a cooking lesson or at least a tip or two.

Every trip I take I bring home a cookbook as a souvenir. As I was skimming my new Santa Fe cookbook, The Santa Fe School of Cooking Cookbook, I realized that the chef I had met at the party was in a picture in the book. He teaches at the Santa Fe School of Cooking and , wait for it....the guacamole recipe was in the book! Mucho Bueno! I would love to share it with you so you will be ready for the next Cinco de Mayo, Ocho de Mayo or Cinco de Juno, whenever you feel like a fiesta! French probably doesn't fit this story, but since this is Julia Child's favorite guacamole, BON APPETIT!

Julia's Favorite Guacamole

3 ripe avocados

3/4 cup finely diced white onion

3/4 cup diced ripe plum tomatoes

2-3 tablespoons finely chopped serrano chiles, to taste

1/2 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice

2 teaspoons coarse salt, to taste

1. Cut each avocado in half and remove the pit. Cut the halves in half and carefully peel off the skin.

2. Cut the quarters into chunks and place in a medium bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork and stir in the onion, tomatoes, chiles, and cilantro. Season the mixture with lime juice and salt. Keep covered with plastic wrap pressed against the surface of the guacamole until ready to serve.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebration of Excellence

This morning our school held their Celebration of Excellence awards ceremony. Students were recognized for their accomplishments in last year's state testing. The awards are motivation for them to strive to do their best on this year's testing. Awards are presented to those that received proficient or distinguished scores. Hannah earned distinguished honors in all three areas of testing, math, science and reading. Mike and I couldn't be more proud of our honor student! Way to go Hannah!
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Treat For Tuesday

This week's Treat For Tuesday features a pie that I make every spring. It is named after that famous horse race that is held every first Saturday in May in Louisville, Kentucky. It is a registered trademark name so we will call it Thoroughbred Pie, or Kentucky Pie, or Race Day Pie. It really doesn't matter what you call it. It is delicious!

1 cup granulated Sugar
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
pinch of salt
1-9 inch pastry shell, unbaked
1 stick melted butter
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Pour nuts and chocolate chips into pie shell, spreading evenly. In a small bowl, whisk 2 eggs. Add sugar and flour stirring to blend well. Whisk in 1 teaspoon vanilla and the melted butter. Blend well. Pour batter evenly over nuts and chocolate chips. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until nicely browned. Serve with vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream.

Until the day that I get to wear a wide brimmed hat and sit on Millionaire's Row at Churchill Downs, I'll just enjoy my pie, while listening to Dan Fogelberg sing Run For The Roses in the background and watch the race from the comfort of my old Kentucky home!

I hope y'all enjoy!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Of Moose And Man

Did y'all know that I married Bullwinkle? This photo makes me chuckle every time I look at it. I hope it puts a smile on your face! Honey, I hope you don't mind that I felt the need to share!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Like Sands Through The Hourglass...

You know the phrase "Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives"? I could say "Like the hands on this clock, these are the days of my life". That clock has been in that exact spot my entire life, really longer than I've been alive. It sits on the hutch in my parents kitchen. They received it as a wedding gift in 1964. I'm sure that the person that gave it would never have dreamed that it would be the gift that has kept on giving and giving and giving. A gift for the ages you might say.

My dad has always set it about 5 minutes fast in hopes that it might move us along and get us promptly to our destination. Mom and I always knew we could leave at 9:50 instead of 9:45 and still get to church in plenty of time. Sadly, we were notorious for leaving at 9:55 and were always late. Sorry Dad, I know you hate being tardy!

7:05 was the time that I watched for on school mornings. That is when I could expect the big yellow goose (my mom's nickname for the school bus). This clock has been the time piece for many important events in my life. I watched in anticipation of dates to pick me up for the prom, when I was in college it helped me leave home in time to get back to UK before dark when I would come home on the weekends, and I'm sure I gave it more than a few glances on my wedding day.

I can't remember a time when Mom's ringholder wasn't sitting next to that clock. Even today it holds her watch, 1960 class ring (which she still wears) and her wedding rings while she does dishes. These tangible objects have somehow become symbols of longevity. It's comforting to know that whether you are talking about clocks or marriages, some things do indeed stand the test of time.
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Friday, April 9, 2010

Sunshine In My Soul

You know they say milk does a body good. It must be the vitamin D! I don't know about y'all, but since the arrival of spring and some much anticipated sunny days my spirits have been lifted to the heights! I think I have been needing a healthy dose of sunlight. I think the vitamin D in sunshine gives nourishment to the soul. It does a spirit good! I have had a song on my mind all day today. The sunshine has been divine and it reminded me of a hymn we sang in the church where I grew up. I have been humming There Is Sunshine in My Soul all day.

There Is Sunshine in My Soul

There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my light.

O there's sunshine blessed sunshine,
While the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.

My prayer is that you all have the sun on your face and a song in your soul.
Blessings y'all!
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hannah took this photo for an upcoming photography contest that she is entering as part of the Lads to Leaderettes program. This year's theme is Faith is the Victory. She added the verse Hebrews 11:1 underneath the photo.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello Spring!

Hello Spring
Oh, I've missed you so
You're a welcome guest
As the flowers begin to grow

Daffodils and tulips are soon on their way
Won't it be a glorious day
When they open in all their splendor to see
Blooms from above for you and for me
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Friday, March 19, 2010

Goodbye Winter!

Goodbye Winter
It's time for you to go
We have enjoyed your time
Especially the snow

You were beautiful in your own special way
Magnificent this year
But you can not stay
You are no longer welcome here

We've put away our fleece and woolen sweaters
Looking forward to the days ahead and much warmer weather
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hannah's classmates may ask her if leprechauns packed her lunch! No magical little green men, just her silly Irish mom. She started her day with the proper St. Patty's Day breakfast of Lucky Charms. (She usually does not get that much sugar for breakfast on a school day, but it is a special occasion!) I served them to her and spoke in my best Irish accent that " It isn't everyday that you get Lucky Charms on a school morning and they are magically delicious!" She told me that she had never heard a worse Irish accent! Then her dad came in and said good morning and she asked if that was supposed to be an Irish accent because it was worse than mom's! She really knows how to build us up!

An Irish saying:
There are good ships, and there are wood ships,
the ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.

An Irish blessing:
May your thoughts be as glad as shamrocks,
May your heart be as light as a song,
May each day bring you bright happy hours,
That stay with you all year long.

Quote from St. Patrick:
Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Future Teacher?

As a member of the 4-H program, yesterday Hannah had the opportunity to participate in a career shadowing day. Several weeks ago she filled out a workbook that helped her explore many different occupations. She then had to interview someone in a career that she finds interesting. Hannah talked with a friend of ours that is an interior designer. We both think that sounds like a fantastic job! Next, she had to narrow down her top career choices and she was paired with someone to spend the day with. Hannah didn't get to shadow a designer, but she did get to spend time with a fabulous teacher, which was another job at the top of her list.

I could tell she was a little apprehensive about spending the day at a different school, but it turned out to be a great experience. The teacher was very friendly and informative. It was fun for Hannah to see school from a teacher's perspective. While she was having lunch in the teacher's lounge she lost a tooth! One teacher commented that, that doesn't happen very often in there! Ha!

I don't know what my sweet girl will be when she grows up, but she does have many qualities needed to be a great teacher. She is smart, organized, nurturing and she is a role model. On the other hand, she is also very artistic and has an eye for detail. Those characteristics would be well suited for an interior designer!

Whatever path she chooses to take in life, my prayer is that she will be a well rounded, confident, Christian woman. The Lord is preparing her, even as an eleven year old girl for the woman that she is destined to become.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 29:11

And They Call It Puppy Love


Watching Minnie resting on the couch was too much for Hannah and I to bear. We had to show her some love! I mean, really, have you seen anything cuter!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Treat For Tuesday

Today I want to share a delicious dessert recipe with you. It is apple dumplins and you won't believe the secret ingredient that makes these soooo goood! I am thrilled that Hannah is taking an interest in helping out in the kitchen. She made this recipe almost all on her own the other night. I'm thinking that I may be raising a future Food Network star!

Apple Dumplins

2 cans Crescent rolls
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled and cut into 8 pieces each
2 sticks butter (Paula Deen would love this recipe!)
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon cinnamon-plus a little more (seriously the recipe says that)
12 ounce can Mountain Dew (secret ingredient)

Spray 9X13 pan. Separate crescent rolls, place 1 slice apple in each, roll up. Place in pan.
In sauce pan, melt butter, add sugar and cinnamon. Cook about 5 minutes. Pour over apples. Pour secret ingredient (I know it sounds strange, but TRUST ME on this one) over all and bake 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees. This is divine served with ice cream!
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