Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goodbye 5th Grade

We have been out of school for several weeks and I am just getting around to blogging about the end of the year. (I realize my blog follows a random time line. That's just how my mind works.) This school year started out a little rough (okay now that I think back, a lot rough), but we made it! Hannah had to go to a new school, due to redistricting, after only being at her previous school for one year. She was devastated! She made some wonderful new friends and none of them were going to the new school with her. I tried to encourage her with the positives. 1. She would make new friends and still have her old friends. 2. They will all be back together for middle school. 3. In middle school she will have an abundance of friends from attending two elementary schools. Those things were hard for her to see those first few weeks of school. She cried a lot and said that she is just tired of always being the new kid. (This school makes her 4th elementary school). Through lots of tears (hers and mine) and prayer things improved after a few weeks. She may not realize it yet but this experience has made her a stronger individual and has been preparation for other things in the future.

Hannah really had a good 5th grade year. She excelled in academics and she made some new friends (I knew her mother was right)! The pictures above were taken at the end of the year party. I love to see that smile on her face!
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Heads Up!

Have y'all ever eaten at Lambert's, the home of the throwed roll? If you haven't it needs to go on your list of things to do. We ate at the one in Foley, Alabama near Gulf Shores last summer. (Since I wasn't blogging then, I have some catching up to do!)This is one of those dining establishments that if you leave hungry it's your own fault. The portions are ENORMOUS! There is a catch(literally) to eating at Lambert's. To take part in one of those fluffy, delicious risen dough balls of goodness you have to get the attention of one of the roll throwers and catch your roll. It's a good thing that I played a good bit of softball in my day, cause I like me some bread!
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Flipper and Friends

Last summer we vacationed in Gulf Shores, Alabama and had a wonderful trip. One of the highlights of our trip was going on a dolphin cruise and getting to watch these magnificent creatures in action. I'm wondering how Flipper and his friends are fairing this summer. My heart goes out to the folks in the gulf that are suffering through this tragic oil spill. I pray that our finned and feathered friends will be out of danger very soon.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Hope You Dance

Each year that Hannah dances in her end of the year performance I enjoy it even more than the recital before. It has been such a joy to watch her skills improve as she has become a graceful, confident young lady. I danced growing up as well and I am thrilled that Hannah has the passion too. When you have a love of something it is difficult to understand when your child doesn't share your interest. I was a little sad (actually my heart was broken) when Hannah didn't want to take ballet this year. I think she is a beautiful ballerina, but she didn't love that form of dance, so I had to let her give it up. I'm so thankful that she was honest with me and didn't continue because she thought that is what I wanted her to do. You can tell by the look on her face that she truly does enjoy jazz and tap. (No ballet number also meant that I didn't have to get all of that long hair into a ballet bun! Woo Hoo!) Hannah you are a fabulous dancer, but remember, mama's still got the moves. I did beat you at Just Dance on the wii last night! Love you sweetheart!

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens.

Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,


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