Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Gourdgeous Work of Art

One of my favorite ornaments on our tree is one that was made by my husband's grandmother. She was a very talented artist in many ways. She was a painter and she also did a wood burning tecnique on gourds. This particular ornament was given to me by Mike the first Christmas that we were dating. I felt very honored to receive such a special gift. I love the intricate detail of the nativity scene that was carefully burned onto the small gourd. Mike's grandmother could take something so insignificant and create a beautiful piece of art. Just as the scene was burned onto the gourd we are to write God's word on our hearts. If we allow Him to work in us He will create a masterpiece.

It has become a tradition that each Christmas Grandma Flatness' ornament is the first to go on our tree. She passed away before I really got acquaited with her, but I feel I have come to know her through stories from those that loved her very much. She was a special lady. We are keeping her memory alive by thinking of her as we continue this tradition. Hannah looks forward to digging into the box each Christmas for that very special first ornament.

What special traditions does your family carry on?
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1 comment:

  1. Hi, came here from Melissa's site and yes, we do care :) and we do blog hop! That's what is such fun and I have made friends across the nation this way! Have fun with your online journal!!
